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Calling Children Flows

One of the powerful features of AnswerAI is that you can turn flows into tools. For example, having a main flow to orchestrate which/when to use the necessary tools. And each tool is designed to perform a niece/specific thing.

This offers a few benefits:

  • Each children flow as tool will execute on its own, with separate memory to allow cleaner output
  • Aggregating detailed outputs from each children flow to a final agent, often results in higher quality output

You can achieve this by using the following tools:

  • Chatflow Tool
  • Custom Tool

Chatflow Tool

  1. Have a chatflow ready. In this case, we create a Chain of Thought chatflow that can go through multiple chainings.
  1. Create another chatflow with Tool Agent + Chatflow Tool. Select the chatflow you want to call from the tool. In this case, it was Chain of Thought chatflow. Give it a name, and an appropriate description to let LLM knows when to use this tool:
  1. Test it out!
  1. From the response, you can see the input and output from the Chatflow Tool:

Custom Tool

With the same example as above, we are going to create a custom tool that will calls the Prediction API of the Chain of Thought chatflow.

  1. Create a new tool:
Tool NameTool Description
ideas_flowUse this tool when you need to achieve certain objective

Input Schema:

inputstringinput questiontrue

Javascript Function of the tool:

const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const url = 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/prediction/<chatflow-id>' // replace with specific chatflow id

const body = {
question: $input

const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)

try {
const response = await fetch(url, options)
const resp = await response.json()
return resp.text
} catch (error) {
return ''
  1. Create a Tool Agent + Custom Tool. Specify the tool we've created in Step 1 in the Custom Tool.
  1. From the response, you can see the input and output from the Custom Tool:


In this example, we have successfully demonstrate 2 ways of turning other chatflows into tools, via Chatflow Tool and Custom Tool. Both are using the same code logic under the hood.