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General Settings

The GeneralSettings component allows administrators to configure general settings for a chatflow. This component is part of the chatbot configuration interface.


The main purpose of this component is to enable users to edit basic information about a chatflow, including its title, description, categories, and display mode.


Chatflow Title

  • Allows you to set or change the title of the chatflow.
  • This title is used to identify the chatflow in various parts of the application.


  • Provides a text area to add or edit a detailed description of the chatflow.
  • This can be used to explain the purpose or functionality of the chatflow.


  • Allows you to add, edit, or remove categories associated with the chatflow.
  • Categories are useful for organizing and filtering chatflows.

Display Mode

  • Chatbot: Display the chatflow as an interactive chatbot interface.
  • Embedded Form: Display an embedded form within an iframe.
    • When "Embedded Form" is selected, you can specify the URL of the page to embed.
    • The embedded URL will be displayed in the user interface where the chatbot would normally appear.

How to Use

  1. Accessing the Settings:

    • Navigate to the chatflow configuration interface.
    • Locate the "General Settings" section.
  2. Editing the Chatflow Title:

    • Enter or modify the title in the "Chatflow Title" text field.
  3. Editing the Description:

    • Enter or modify the description in the "Description" text area.
    • This field supports multiple lines of text.
  4. Managing Categories:

    • Use the tag input field to add, edit, or remove categories.
    • Type a category name and press Enter to add it.
    • Click on the 'x' next to a category to remove it.
  5. Setting the Display Mode:

    • In the "Display Mode" section, choose between "Chatbot" and "Embedded Form".
    • If you select "Embedded Form":
      • An input field labeled "Embedded URL" will appear.
      • Enter the URL of the page you wish to embed.
      • This URL will be shown in the user interface within an iframe.
  6. Saving Changes:

    • After making your desired changes, click the "Save" button to apply the settings.
    • A success message will appear if the settings are saved successfully.

Important Notes

  • Changes take effect immediately after saving.
  • If you encounter any errors while saving, an error message will be displayed.
  • The chatflow title, description, categories, and display mode settings are stored as part of the chatflow data.
  • When using the "Embedded Form" display mode, ensure that the URL provided is valid and allows embedding.

Technical Details

  • The component uses Redux for state management and dispatching actions.
  • When saved, the configuration is updated via an API call to updateChatflow.
  • Categories are stored as a semicolon-separated string in the backend.
  • Display mode and embedded URL settings are stored in the chatflow's configuration.

Error Handling

If an error occurs while saving the settings, an error message will be displayed indicating that the update failed.

Security Implications

  • Be cautious when embedding external URLs. Ensure that the embedded content is from a trusted source.
  • Some websites may prevent embedding via iframe due to security policies.
  • Ensure that any information entered doesn't contain confidential or sensitive details, as it may be visible to users with access to the chatflow configuration.