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Redis-Backed Chat Memory


The Redis-Backed Chat Memory is a powerful feature in AnswerAI that allows you to store and retrieve conversation history using a Redis server. This memory node summarizes conversations and provides long-term storage, enabling more context-aware and personalized interactions in your AI applications.

Key Benefits

  • Persistent Memory: Store conversation history securely in a Redis server for long-term retention.
  • Scalable: Efficiently handle large volumes of conversation data across multiple sessions.
  • Customizable: Configure session timeouts, memory keys, and window sizes to suit your specific needs.

How to Use

  1. Add the Redis-Backed Chat Memory node to your AnswerAI workflow canvas.
  2. Configure the node settings:
    • Connect your Redis credential (optional)
    • Set a Session ID (optional)
    • Configure Session Timeouts (optional)
    • Specify a Memory Key
    • Set the Window Size (optional)
  3. Connect the memory node to other nodes in your workflow that require conversation history.

RedicBacked Chat Memory Node & Drop UI

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Session Management: Use unique session IDs for different conversations or users to keep memories separate.
  2. Memory Key: Choose a descriptive memory key to easily identify the purpose of the stored data.
  3. Window Size: Adjust the window size to balance between providing sufficient context and managing memory usage.
  4. Security: Ensure your Redis server is properly secured, especially when storing sensitive conversation data.


  1. Connection Issues:

    • Verify that your Redis server is running and accessible.
    • Double-check the connection credentials in the AnswerAI settings.
  2. Memory Not Persisting:

    • Ensure that the Session ID is correctly set and consistent across interactions.
    • Check if the Session Timeout is set appropriately for your use case.
  3. Performance Concerns:

    • If you experience slow responses, try reducing the Window Size to limit the amount of history being processed.

Configuration Options

Session ID

  • Description: A unique identifier for the conversation session.
  • Default: If not specified, a random ID will be generated.
  • Usage: Use consistent session IDs to maintain conversation continuity across interactions.

Session Timeouts

  • Description: The duration (in seconds) after which a session expires.
  • Default: Omit this parameter to make sessions never expire.
  • Usage: Set an appropriate timeout to manage server resources and clear old conversations.

Memory Key

  • Description: A key used to identify and retrieve the stored chat history.
  • Default: 'chat_history'
  • Usage: Use descriptive keys to organize different types of conversation data.

Window Size

  • Description: The number of recent messages to include in the conversation history.
  • Default: Not set (includes all messages)
  • Usage: Adjust this value to balance between context depth and processing efficiency.

Redis-Backed Chat Memory Node Configuration & Drop UI

By leveraging the Redis-Backed Chat Memory in AnswerAI, you can create more intelligent and context-aware conversational AI applications that maintain user interactions over extended periods.